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Coiste na dTuismitheoirí
Dé Máirt 2ú Mí na Samhna
On Tuesday 2nd November 2021 @ 7.30pm
Seamus Rafter Suite, Riverside Park Hotel
The Coiste na dTuismitheoirí (Parents’ Association) is a group made of parents from the school who attend meetings. All parents are permitted to attend meetings. The main purpose is to help the school with fundraising, etc. but important decisions are also brought to the meeting for views, etc. The elected Class Representatives liaise with the teacher and help the Coiste with the running of any fundraising events throughout the year. It is really good to be part of the Coiste and you child will love that you are involved in helping out. It is a great way to get to know other parents also.
- Caint ón bPíomhaoide – Principal’s address
- Caint Ó Chathaoirleach an Bhoird – Board of Management Chairman’s address
- Miontuairiscí – The Minutes of the AGM last year.
- Tuairisc an Chathaoirligh – Chairman’s Report
- Tuairisc an Chisteora – Treasurer’s Report
- Election of Coiste na dTuismitheoirí Committee
- Election of Class Reps
- The Schedule of Events/Fundraisers for the upcoming year
- Aon Ghnó Eile – Any Other Business
Many thanks and hope to see you there!